Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ireland's Physical Geography

Physical Geography:
~Galway Bay
~Shaped like a huge bowl
~Hills are along the coast line
~Middle is a plain that drains into the river Shannon
~Green vegetation
~1/6 of island is covered in peat(spongy-containing moss and plants)
~few forests
Ireland is considered a bowl also blocking prevailing winds from coming in keeping temperatures mild.

Monday, May 21, 2012


  • Ireland has a Marine West Coast Climate
  • On the west coast of Ireland, the tropical air permits the growth of palm trees in places that are usually cool
  • Temperature:Warm Summers (60F),cold winters (42) 
  • Precipitation: Yearly: 45in.
  • The rocky shore line that come sup aound the island blocks winds from coming in keeping the temperature mild providing a good area for cropping.


Sunday, May 20, 2012


  • Ireland consists of a Mid-latitude deciduous forest ecosystem
  • Their forests look dramatically different depending on the season
  • Ireland's leaves change colors and fall off because the dominant tree type in the mid-latitude area is deciduous
  • Very vibrant colored trees

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Natural Resources

Ireland's natural Resources include the following:
  • natural gas, peat, copper, lead,zinc, silver, barite, gypsum, limestone, dolomite
Peat is a spongy material containing waterlogged mosses and plants. Farmers will cut and dry blocks of peat for cooking and heating. Also the Republic of Ireland recently developed a strategy for using peat in power plants, which now produces nearly one quarter of the nation's electricity.

Cutting peat, Dublin, Ireland     

Friday, May 18, 2012

Human Environment Interactions

Human Environment Interactions
 Humans in the past used to build huge castles and buildings cutting down many trees and ruining environments for other animals. They have cut down trees to make huge farmlands to grow lots of vegetables like potatoes and onions. The people in Ireland also affect the environment by burning peat. The people remove peat from animals habitats because they lack trees and other natural resources. They then burn this peat for there own warmth and cooking needs but the peat affects enviroment's breathing air.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Political Borders

Many Irish were still pressing for independence in the 19th century. Rebellions between 1916 and 1921 led the officials in the United Kingdom and Ireland to divide the island in two parts. Six of the northeastern countries remained part of the United Kingdom and the rest of the countries became a free state under Brittish supervision.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Irish Culture

  • Germanic and Celtic language - Irish
  • Divided between Protestants and Catholics
  • Divided between the descendants of native Celtic people and the descendants of English and scottish immagrants
  • Blight : plant disease; potatoe famine - Most of the people in Ireland relied on potatoes as thier main source of nutrients and as a reult one million irish died of starvation or disease. Crisis further inflamed anti brittish feelings because many Irish Catholics blamed England for not providing aid. Push and Pull factors resulted from this. Push: Famine. Pull: Jobs and economic oppurtunities.